How To Live In Immense Abundance, Manifest Your Ideal Life With Ease, And Step Into Your Authority WITHOUT Having To Depend On Anybody, But Yourself

6 week group coaching program with Abundance and Manifestation Coach Rachel Fearnley
Did you know that 80% of all women who dream of changing the world to a better place never get out of their own way and step into their True Power?  
Not anymore. 
If you're reading this page you've likely already manifested many great things in your life but if you’re being honest with yourself, you know your manifesting skills are a little hit or miss…

Sometimes they work really well and your desires flow into your life with ease, and other times, you catch yourself thinking “how the heck did I create this?!”
You have a job or business that earns you a living, but something isn’t quite right… you know you are meant to make a bigger impact.
Money comes in but goes out quickly, you would love to not always be in the feast or famine mode.

You desire more time to be able to focus on you, your current way of working is leaving you burnt out and feeling uninspired.

You want more ease and joy in your life, not having to work so hard for your success.

Now imagine this instead:

  • Everyday “things” happen with ease without force, over planning or hustling.
  • You’ve never felt more satisfied and fulfilled.
  • ​You’re in a career you love and you’re crystal clear what the next step for you is. The right people come into your life at the right moments, giving you all their support, love and care.
  • ​Your relationships have never been more loving and connected.
  • ​You’re calling in more money, abundance, clients and opportunities that you ever thought possible.
I want you to ask yourself… 



Here’s the problem you face: 

For thousands of years the women of earth have been hurt, neglected, repressed. Just recently our society started to respect our opinions.

And this has left a huge spiritual and emotional wound hidden deep within the collection consciousness which still influences us today, even if we’re not aware of it.

People may question, "why would you want more?" BUT HERE IS THE TRUTH…
You can still be grateful for what you have and want more out of life.
Millions of Women never get the chance to REALLY step into their power and create the wealth and impact they are meant to make...
And not just talking about stepping into your power around your friends and family… that’s only the beginning...
I’m talking about really stepping into your calling so that everyone around you can feel the power emanating deep within your very core, within your being.

Have you ever wondered how your life would look if you were this confident? If you felt like the brave and knowledgeable leader you were born to be?

  • How would that influence the relationship you have with yourself?
  • How would you show up for your family, colleagues or clients? 
  • How would your life change if you had more abundance in your business and career?
  • ​Your relationships have never been more loving and connected.
  • You can be grateful for what you have and at the same time still desire more out of life.
  • Before you start visualizing your dream life and get really excited, I want to do a small exercise with you…  
Think about it…
For ages, we were neglected, agonized, nobody really acknowledged our ideas, and even worse... we’ve been brutally attacked and repressed for even trying to express ourselves authentically…
Now you might think that all of this is in the past right now, but I want you to stop for a second and really feel this...
  • Why do you think you have accepted things to be okay or even good but not incredible?
  • Why are you not living a fully expressed life?
  • It’s not your fault! You’re not wrong even if you’ve tried everything the personal development industry has to offer and still didn’t get to a lasting transformation.
  • Nobody told you that this problem cannot be resolved completely if it’s addressed only on the surface level.
I’ve been where you are and you don’t have to run around in circles anymore, you can transform your life for good… Let me introduce you to “Reclamation”, a coaching program that helps you reclaim your power and share your gifts with the world.

Here’s what you can expect if you take this journey with me:

  •  Create crystal clear vision on what you want to create and the life they REALLY want to live so that you never have to doubt yourself if you’re on the right path.
  •  Discover the core limiting beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting your heart's desires, which are the reason why you have NOT been able to manifest with grace and ease in the past.
  •  Discover the truth behind the energetics of money and how you can use the powerful irrefutable Laws of the Universe to bring in exactly what we desire which means you wouldn’t have to worry about money again.
  •  Empower yourself to rewire your subconscious mind so that you can choose the beliefs that will work FOR you rather than against you which means you’ll feel absolute freedom and determination.
  • ​Receive the tools, practices and rituals to be able to up your manifestation game even after the program has finished, so that you can continue to align, refine and evolve which means that you’ll live like it’s a journey that never ends and always gets better and more crystalized.
“Rachel is a community connector and entrepreneur with heart, presence and creativity which is reflected in how she parents, how she lives and how she shares her gifts. she’s just a genuinely lovely person who you will want to spend time with and learn lots of valuable insights from!”
Insiya Rasiwala Finn
“From the moment i met Rachel she had this glow of fun and happiness about her with a sense of power and confidence. I felt so open in her presence that we connected instantly. She holds a non judgemental space for me to feel safe and supported by her.”
Mandie Mitchell
Just from watching the three introduction videos things have already started to shift and open up in such a big way! I'm so excited for Reclamation and really glad I decided to join!
Sophy Mills 
You might be thinking this is exactly what you need, but you may still be wondering... “Who are you to help me reclaim my power?”

Let me tell you a story...

10 years ago I worked on Super Yachts around the world, hung out in places like Monaco, St Tropez, the Caribbean, and got paid well for it. I rubbed shoulders with the rich and famous, was taken to fancy restaurants and barely spent a penny.

I was often told how lucky I was, what an amazing opportunity I had and how most people could only dream of living the life I was living. There was one problem. I was deeply unhappy. Rather than listening to my heart and gut, I continued doing what I felt I ‘should’ be doing, conforming to what I thought everyone ‘expected’ me to do. I also had no idea what else I could do!

I ignored the small signs, and as the signals got bigger and louder I continued to ignore them. My physical and mental health began to suffer as a result. I blew several discs in my spine, my periods became increasingly erratic, I broke my foot, and suffered from anxiety (I would wake up in the middle of the night in tears for ‘no apparent reason’).
I lost my job, my long-term relationship broke down and as a result I felt pushed into leaving the country I was calling home. Little did I know at the time, this was my ‘Perfect Storm’.

I quit the SuperYacht industry for good and set off on a journey which led me around the world, finally settling in Bali, Indonesia where I have been living for the last 7 years. I trained as a yoga instructor and breathwork teacher and I fell in love with beautiful Bali so much that I wanted more and more people to experience the magic Bali has to offer so I opened up The Pineapple House which offered hospitality, surf, yoga and wellness offerings for spiritual aspirants.
The Pineapple House grew to be a multiple six figure business allowing me plenty of time to be with my young daughter, pursue my passions of surfing and self care. Throughout my time being part of the spiritual communities in Bali I began to see that there is a big disconnect between being spiritual and being abundant.

If you are interested in personal growth and spirituality, pursuing your dreams and having big goals isn’t thought highly upon. 
However I inherently knew that this was just not true!
When I talk about abundance, I don’t just mean money, I mean being in an abundance of connection, health and confidence. Abundance in ALL areas of their life.

When my clients go after what they want, the ripple effects of this are massive as we need more conscious people putting their ideas and energy into the world and claiming what they want.

My mission is to help female leaders stand in a place of empowerment so that they can manifest the wealth & abundance they need in order to create a bigger impact in the soul-led work they do.
Here’s everything that you’re going to learn in this program.
Reclamation is an easy-to-follow process for reprogramming your subconscious beliefs - and realigning to your inner self so that you can create authentic, profound, lasting transformation in the most important areas of your life. 

  •  How to feel Internal Empowerment so that you can connect to your intuition and determination.
  •  How to align yourself and break through the self-sabotaging beliefs and mental blocks causing you to unknowingly reject the inherent wealth, wellbeing, and love of your Pure Being.
  •  How to embody your role of being a change-maker in the world.

However, I don’t stop there.The purpose of this coaching is to make this integration process as effortless as possible.

That’s why while going through the videos you will also meet with me personally in a group setting where I’ll work with you in the areas of your life that deserve the most attention.

I know how hard it is to go through this integration process alone, that’s why in the Group Mentorship we’ll create a divine sacred space in which you can feel the safety and comfort of the whole group so that you can strengthen the connection to your inner self and ground it into your life.

While going through this 6 weeks process you’ll spend a little of your time every day on Daily Mini Tasks that keep your focus and attention on this deeply transformative process.

There’s one more final step to make this transformation a lasting one.

By doing so, you can really make the connection to the truth inside you a habit that will last you a lifetime.

And to make this journey a bonding experience you’ll also get Access to the RE-CLAIM Facebook group. In the group you’ll have the chance to meet other powerful women who are on the same path as you and make strong and lasting friendships so that you can keep each other accountable and share your personal experiences.

So, here it is... the complete Reclamation Integration Process giving you all the tools to step into your Inner Power and become the Change-maker you were born to be.
It’s a one-time investment of $1250 or two payment of $750.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
If you’re ready to really transform your life from the inside out and embody the traits of being an empowered Light Worker click the button below and save your spot for my first launch.

Now all of us like to be surprised with amazing presents. That’s why I didn’t stop there with the offer. I’ve included some Bonuses that will make the journey even more special.

  •  BONUS #1. Guest Speaker Call to dive even deeper in shadow work and traumas that could be holding you back from fulfilling your highest potential (held by a certified trainer in my retreat centre The Pineapple House in Bali)
  •  BONUS #2. Manifestation Meditation to add to your tool kit so that you can supercharge your journey and manifest anything that your Heart truly desires which means you’ll never be left without a tool when in need
  •  BONUS #3. Manifestation Nidra to work on a deeper, subconscious level and uplevel your manifestation game (That’s an ancient Yoga practice which reprograms the mental images you have stored in your subconscious that influence your behaviour on a daily basis)
With these bonuses there’s nothing that can stop you from stepping into your true power and becoming a powerful change-maker in the world. 

Let me sum up everything that you’re going to get in “Reclamation”:

  • 6 Weekly Manifestation Videos
  • 6 Weeks Program of Group Mentorship with Rachel
  • Daily Mini Tasks to keep your focus and attention on this deeply transformative process
  • Guest Speaker Call on Shadow Work
  • Manifestation Meditation
  • Manifestation Nidra

So if you’re ready to take a step on the other side of the cliff in which you’re the most powerful version of yourself that you can dream about, just click the button below and let me help you through the journey.

Don't forget… There’s also an option.
Two payments of $750 

If you want to be my latest success story, click the Click ‘Join The Program’ To Enroll.
P.S. I want you to ask yourself this question:

“What is it that I really want from life?”

 If you’re satisfied with where you are today and enjoy everything that you’ve worked so hard to achieve…

See you inside “Reclamation”
Rachel Fearnley - Manifestation and Abundance Coach

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